Just a few gems I'll be taking with me into 2019 because they brought more clarity into my life than ever before. I'm not keeping these bad boys to myself!

Look, these things might not seem like rocket science. Heck! You might already be doing them... and then I ask, where was the memo?! BECAUSE THESE FEW ACTS HAVE CHANGED MY LIFE THIS YEAR!!
So, I'm just gonna get right to it!

My loving partner got me onto this one. Because I think it's funny, I will share...
I'm a therapist, a "spiritual healer" (whatever you want that to mean, or whatever that actually means?!) ANYWAYS, I'm the one that's into energy and all the woo woo stuff your heart desires, but it was him that got me onto this!
The conversation went a little something like this:
"Of course I shower at night! Why would I want to make our bed all dirty with the day that's already done?!"
That was actually all there was to the conversation, because I was busy picking my jaw up off the floor thinking to myself, OF COURSE. OF COURSE I want to wash the day's energy off and come to bed squeaky clean and cleansed and ready to sleep without carrying around the day that has just passed.
He is forever more wise than I, and it's something I continue to come to terms with every single day.
*Don't worry, he doesn't go online much or read any of my stuff, so let's keep that to ourselves, shall we?

Guys! I know the science and the research behind this one. I recommend it to clients ALL THE TIME. I even love writing myself, and yet, 2018 was my year!! If you are someone that lives in your head or suffers from perfectionism, or really if you're just human, journalling is life changing, my friends! It doesn't have to be for ANYONE but yourself, but man oh man can our minds play some games with us, and to write it out and to SEE the stuff we have spinning around up there... worth writing it down to set yourself straight. I promise... try this one out.
Worried about others reading it? Or what will happen to it when and if you should pass? Have a close friend be your promise person to burn those things. My sister is my burner. Now you all know that she HAS TO DO THAT! Sissy... you MUST!
